Thursday, August 15, 2019

Making $1 Million: Here's How Long It Took the World's Super-Rich (Infographic)

Making $1 Million: Here's How Long It Took the World's Super-Rich (Infographic)
The millionaire's club is adding members fast. In 2018, there were upwards of 19.6 million people with six-zero-sums to their name; by 2023, that number is projected to rise to more than 23.4 million. The world's billionaires are a much more tight-knit group -- upwards of 2,200, according to an Oxfam International report -- and their fortunes increased by $2.5 billion a day in 2018.
But when did the world's wealthiest set off on this trajectory? They -- including household names such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk -- made their first million at the average age of 36, according to an analysis by online casino guide Slotsia. The company used the annual Forbes Billionaires list, along with a smattering of online sources, to determine the point at which their net worth reached $1 million or more. If Slotsia could not determine a specific age or date, the team estimated based on the individual in question's career and company milestones. For a deeper dive into how and when the wealthy made their millions, check out the below infographic.


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